Wondering if and how you can manifest anything you want? If you’re here, it’s probably because you’re willing to take action to get closer to your dreams.

So, the answer is yes. You can manifest anything.

Now you’re probably wondering how to manifest anything you truly desire.

In this post, we’ll cover the basics of manifesting, and you’ll find easy steps to manifesting whatever you desire.

Without further ado, let’s dive right in.

What Is Manifesting?

Manifestation means bringing something into reality through your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and emotions.

It’s about focusing on what you really want and cultivating the feelings and beliefs that it will become a reality.

Manifesting isn’t just about wanting something and waiting for it to happen. It’s about taking aligned actions, and it’s about believing you have what it takes to make it happen.

Can You Manifest Anything?

Yes, you can manifest anything you want as long as you believe you can, and that you’re taking the actions to get closer to your goals.

There’s no magic in manifesting because you won’t be just sitting around waiting for money to magically appear in your bank account. Instead, you’ll get rid of your limiting beliefs, you’ll come up with a plan, remain optimistic, and take action.

That said, some people like to use crystals for manifestation to increase their success.

Let’s see how to manifest anything you want with these simple actionable steps.

How To Manifest Anything You Want Step-by-Step

The steps to manifestation are simple. The key here is consistency. The more you go through these steps, the easier it will get.

Let’s start with the first step; getting clear on what you want.

Step 1: Clarity

The first step is to get clear about what it is you want to manifest. The clearer, the better. The more details you can include, the greater impact it will have.

To set up your goal or intention, you can use the SMART method. If you’re not familiar with this method, here’s what each letter stands for:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-Bound

If you need help coming up with your goal, you can visualize the future and imagine what you would love to manifest in your life.

Here’s an example of a clear goal: I will consistently earn $5000 per month with my online business by the end of the year.

Here’s an example of an unclear goal: I want to have more money.

Once you’re clear on what you want, you must do some groundwork on your beliefs.

Step 2: Beliefs

When writing down your goal or intention, you may have surprised yourself with some limiting beliefs like…

I really don’t know how I’ll be able to achieve that.

Maybe I’m pushing it with $5000 per month, maybe I should go for $2000.

Does it sound too good to be true?

This is the part where you’ll need to work on your mindset. To do so, you’ll need to start paying attention to your thoughts and limiting beliefs. You can use positive affirmations and repeat them when you surprise yourself with negative thoughts.

The goal here is to increase your confidence in your own abilities and turn your negative thoughts into positive ones. In order for it to work, you’ll need to believe wholeheartedly that you can achieve your goal.

To help you do that, you can make your desire even stronger by adding more feelings to it. Keep reading to learn how.

Step 3: Feelings

It’s time to get back to your goal and visualize the moment when you achieve it. How does it feel?  Concentrate on the feelings and emotions that you imagine.

Make sure to pay attention to limiting beliefs that may pop up here and there, so that you can transform them into positive thoughts.

Your feelings are important because they are acting as fuel for your actions and behaviors. 

For example, if you’re anxious about money and are filled with doubts, you’re going to use up your energy trying to convince yourself to stop manifesting because you’re afraid it won’t work or might not work.

Instead, if you are repeating positive affirmations and focusing on positive thoughts, you’ll feel more inspired and motivated. As a result, you’ll feel happy. It will be easier to take aligned actions and believe you can do this.

The next step is to put your wish out there and ask for what you want.

Step 4: Ask

Once you know what you want, believe you can have it, and feel happy and optimistic about it, you can ‘make your ask’.

You can do so by putting your ask in…

Step 5: Aligned Actions

The next step is one of the most important ones – it’s about taking aligned actions to get closer to your goal.

It’s the part where you fully commit to your goal. To do so, you can go back to your goal and write down actions you can take every month, every week, every day to get closer to your goals.

Then, you’ll know exactly what to do on a daily basis until you achieve your goal.

For example, to grow your income, you can’t just sit around looking at your bank balance every hour.

Instead, you should be brainstorming ways to grow your income, making a plan to grow your income and start implementing your plan.

You can incorporate journaling and positive affirmations for success as part of your daily routine to remind yourself of your abilities and to keep your thoughts positive and aligned.

Step 6: Gratitude

At any step along the way, you’ll need to be grateful. You can practice gratitude with positive affirmations for gratitude.

You can also journal and write down things you’re grateful for.

The feeling of gratitude is powerful and will inspire you even more – especially if the thing you’re trying to manifest takes longer than you expected. 

Instead of feeling discouraged, or in a place of lack, gratitude will help you shift your thoughts.

Focus on all the victories (big or small) and celebrate them!

Step 7: Positive Attitude

As you go through these steps, you’ll need to pay attention to your beliefs, thoughts, and feelings and recalibrate at some point. 

Personally, I love using positive affirmations because they help me transform my thoughts. I repeat them multiple times per day and it helps me remain positive.

Wondering how many affirmations per day to focus on? There are no bad answers here. But you should only focus on the ones that can help you achieve your main goals.

Final Thoughts On Manifesting Anything

I hope these steps inspire you to manifest anything you want.

These steps are designed to help you get clear on your goals, get rid of limiting beliefs, and help you get the fuel needed to take action.

You can start manifesting anything overnight right away with these simple steps.

Need help with your mindset? Read one of the following blog posts: