The law of attraction was made famous by the 2006 book, The Secret, but has been passed down through the centuries, and the likes of Charles Darwin and Thomas Edison used the power of manifestation to become the great historical figures they are today.

Affirmations are a big part of the law of attraction, and are used to raise your frequency to one of total abundance, cast aside feelings of lack, and match your energetic vibration with the vibration of your goals.

But, you may be a bit lost, wondering how many affirmations per day to use, in order to attract your aspirations, which is what we’re covering in this post.


Many successful people that you may look up to use the power of the mind to manifest what’s in front of them.

They include Oprah Winfrey,  Will Smith, Jim Carey, and Lady Gaga, and all of them swear by the law of attraction as the tool that raised them to their level of success today.

How To Use Affirmations Correctly

First, let’s start by saying that there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to affirmations and the law of attraction.

Some people repeat one powerful affirmation all day every day until their manifestation comes to life, and others choose to have a list of many that they take time out to repeat for several minutes here and there.

The number of desires you have will impact the number of affirmations you choose to say every day. 

As humans we’re impatient and always looking for the greener grass on the other side. When you add social media as the cherry on top, our dreams and goals are amplified as we see people that we deem to be successful doing all the things we want to do, and it puts pressure on us to achieve the same, RIGHT NOW.

At first thought, you might think that your list of goals looks like this:

  • Get a promotion at work

But if you dig a little deeper, you’re likely to find that it looks more like this:

  • Get a promotion at work
  • Find my soulmate before the age of 30
  • Buy a house in the next 2 years
  • Travel to 3 countries by the end of the year
  • Have kids before the age of 32
  • Pay off my car within 6 months 

I could go on. We all have an unending goals list, and we don’t want to wait for one to be realized before the next one is set in motion, because, as I said, we’re an impatient species. 

If your list of goals looks similar to the one above, you will benefit from repeating several positive affirmations throughout the day, rather than just one.

If you really are one of those people with just one goal or are the type of person with tunnel vision that allows you to be hyper-focused on one goal, you’ll find that your affirmations will be stronger and your affirmations can be manifested more quickly because you can give all your attention to it.

That’s not to say that if you have more goals, they won’t come into fruition more quickly, just that you’ll have to work a little harder in order to make sure your affirmations are strong, and that you can really envision them clearly. 

It’s a debated subject in the law of attraction space, with many people swearing by different tactics to attract their goals, but when it comes to how many affirmations per day are the best, from our point of view, focusing on a few goals at once is fine, so long as you can give the time and dedication to focus on each one properly.

We would recommend no more than 3 or 4 goals at a time, and from that, a maximum of around 15 affirmations to repeat to yourself daily.    

It’s not just how many affirmations, but also how to use affirmations correctly that a lot of people wonder about.

If possible, you should take a 10-15 minute break from your day, at least 3 times per day, to repeat your affirmations to yourself out loud. The perfect place to do this is in the mirror, where you can feel empowered and motivated by your own spirit of determination.

When you are repeating your affirmations, make sure you are experiencing the feeling of total abundance as you do, in order to raise your vibration to match the things you want to attract.

Here’s an example of how you can do that, based on the following goals and affirmations.

Goal: Find my soulmate before the age of 30


  1. My soulmate is being drawn to me
  2. My energy attracts my soul mate
  3. I feel true contentment with my soulmate

In order to ensure your affirmations are the most powerful they can be, think of the following while repeating them:

  • What emotions do you experience when you are with your soulmate?
  • How does your soulmate make you feel?
  • What does your soulmate look like?
  • What personality traits does your soulmate embody?
  • What do you and your soulmate love doing together?

You’ll notice in the above that all of the questions are in the present tense. That’s because it’s important to act as if in order for your energy to be on the same frequency as what you’re trying to attract.

If you’re unable to take the time out of your day a couple of times a day, that doesn’t mean that you can’t use affirmations to manifest your desires. 

If you work a traditional 9-5, you can still practice manifestation through affirmations, you may just have to be a little more intentional about when and where you do them. 

You could repeat your affirmations at your desk, during your lunch break, or even in the bathroom. Workplaces can be noisy and distracting, so if you’re able to, head to a quiet spot where you can visualize and focus on your affirmations.

Another time of the day you can use affirmations is as soon as you wake up and just before you go to sleep.

Affirmations are actually the most powerful right before bed, as they are the last thoughts you have before your subconscious mind takes over, and it’s estimated that your subconscious takes control of a whopping 95% of your life.

It’s the reason why smokers listen to hypnotic tracks as they sleep in order to quit, and see such levels of success. 

If you can tap into your subconscious, you’ll see that you have unlimited potential.

Depending on how many affirmations per day you’re focusing on, you may need to write your affirmations down for the first couple of days, but after a few repetitions, you’ll have them nailed and be able to recite them without even thinking about it. 

Be sure to evenly balance your affirmations between your goals if you’re trying to manifest them all at once. Here’s an example of a breakdown.

  • 3x ‘I am’ money affirmations
  • 3x ‘I am’ love affirmations
  • 3x ‘I am’ self-love affirmations
  • 3x ‘I am’ travel affirmations
  • 3x ‘I am’ house affirmations


Final Thoughts On Using Daily Affirmations

Now you know how many affirmations at once to use, you can focus on your goals, repeat your affirmations and see your dream life unfold before you.

If you’re still wondering how many affirmations is too many, make sure to keep your affirmations limited to somewhere between 10-15 per day.

Use the same affirmations every day to see the true benefit of them, and avoid your affirmations getting fuzzy and muddled.

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