Gratitude is a beautiful feeling of appreciation and satisfaction. We, humans, tend to forget to be grateful because we focus on the negatives a lot. The good news is that you can transform any negative thought into a positive one – by using gratitude affirmations.

In this post, we’ll talk about gratitude and how it can make you happier. You’ll also find a list of 75 powerful gratitude affirmations.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

Woman Gratitude

What Is Gratitude?

Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation, a state of being grateful. It’s the action of focusing on the positives and on appreciation.

Practicing gratitude is a healthy habit. You can start by noticing good things and appreciating them. It’s about paying attention to all the good things. 

To express your gratitude, you can write it down, say it out loud or thank the people around you. Many people use gratitude statements as part of their journaling routine. In fact, many successful entrepreneurs journal and use positive affirmations on a daily basis.

Why Use Gratitude Affirmations?

Practicing gratitude with positive affirmations is a powerful tool used in personal development. When you’re feeling grateful, you’re feeling happier and satisfied. 

That said, when you practice gratitude daily, you learn how to reprogram your mind so that you can focus on the positives.

How To Use Positive Affirmations For Gratitude

You can use gratitude affirmations on a daily basis at any moment of the day. Many people decide to say or write their affirmations of gratitude when they wake up so that they can start their day on a positive note.

You could also use them before you go to bed so that you end your day with positive thoughts.

Many people struggle to express gratitude, and these affirmations for being grateful are going to help you change that.

Make sure to bookmark this page if you want to use affirmations for gratitude every day.

  1. I am grateful for today.
  2. I am thankful for everything I have.
  3. I am grateful to be alive.
  4. I am grateful for my abundance of health.
  5. I am grateful for a warm bed every night.
  6. I am grateful for access to medical care.
  7. I am grateful for a roof over my head.
  8. I am grateful for the privilege of choice.
  9. I am grateful for my loved ones.
  10. I am ready for a day of new opportunities.
  11. I am grateful for modern conveniences.
  12. I am grateful for eyes that see, ears that hear, and a body that moves.
  13. I am grateful for all the lessons I’ve learned in my life.
  14. I am grateful for all my past mistakes that are leading me to future success.
  15. I am grateful for all the small moments of pure joy.
  16. I am grateful to be able to see the positive in every situation.
  17. I am grateful to be able to nourish my body.
  18. I am grateful to be able-bodied.
  19. I recognize every blessing, no matter how small.
  20. I am thankful for the love I receive in my life.
  21. I am grateful for all that I have, and all that is still to come.
  22. I am grateful for my capacity to love unconditionally.
  23. I am grateful for my creative spirit.
  24. I am grateful for the chance to start anew every morning.
  25. I am overflowing with gratitude.
  26. Gratitude helps ground me.
  27. Every day blesses me with more things to be thankful for.
  28. I will always find something to be thankful for.
  29. I am grateful to have people in my life who align perfectly with my truest self.
  30. I am grateful for the resources I have to help me fulfill my dreams.
  31. I am grateful for the results I get when I work hard.
  32. My good health allows me to enjoy life to the fullest potential.
  33. I do not take any day for granted.
  34. I am grateful for the beautiful natural world that surrounds me.
  35. I am thankful for the abundance that surrounds me.
  36. I am grateful for the opportunity to make a positive contribution to the world today.
  37. I am thankful for the sun on my face.
  38. I am grateful to constantly be finding new opportunities for wealth.
  39. I am grateful for my unique gifts.
  40. I am thankful to have found my calling in life.
  41. I am grateful to have clean water.
  42. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a positive role model to others.
  43. I am thankful to live out my dreams.
  44. I am in charge of my own happiness.
  45. I am grateful to be able to provide for myself.
  46. I always receive exactly what I ask the universe for, and I am grateful for that.
  47. I am grateful for constant opportunities to evolve.
  48. I notice the good in everything.
  49. My gratitude is unshakeable.
  50. Even when times are hard, I find much to be thankful for.
  51. There is nothing else I need to feel happy in this moment.
  52. I am grateful to not only be surviving, but thriving.
  53. I am grateful for my freedom.
  54. I can’t wait to see what opportunities unfold today.
  55. I appreciate how the universe always lines up for me.
  56. I am grateful for all the amazing people I am yet to meet.
  57. I appreciate my living environment that allows me to feel safe and happy.
  58. I am grateful to breathe clean air.
  59. I am grateful for the forgiveness of people I have wronged.
  60. I am open to new ways of thinking today.
  61. I am grateful for all the hands my food had to pass through to reach me.
  62. I am grateful for the strength I feel in my body.
  63. I am grateful to be in charge of my own health.
  64. I find great joy in human connection.
  65. I am grateful that hunger is not an issue in my life.
  66. I am grateful for the world that I get to explore.
  67. I am thankful to be able to help those around me.
  68. Being grateful comes naturally to me.
  69. I am grateful for the internet which brings me many opportunities for learning.
  70. I am grateful to be able to pay my bills.
  71. I am thankful for all the growth I have experienced this year.
  72. I commit to being grateful at all times.
  73. I am grateful for the love of my partner.
  74. I feel gratitude rushing through me.
  75. I am blessed beyond measure.

Final Thoughts On Gratitude Affirmations

Using daily gratitude affirmations is a great way to become more positive and appreciative of what’s going on in your life.

Life is a miracle and while we seem to forget – it is. 

Being grateful has lots of benefits – including happiness and peace of mind.

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