If you’re hoping for a life of success, you should definitely try daily positive affirmations. Using daily affirmations for success as part of your morning routine is a powerful trick and can make a big difference in your life. 

Positive affirmations for success help you develop a strong mindset and transform your negative thoughts into positive ones.

In this post, we’ll talk about success and how you can motivate yourself with our list of positive affirmations for success.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

Successful woman

What Is Success?

We all have different definitions of success – and my version of success may just be different from yours – and that’s okay.

Success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.

Let’s say you have three main goals for your life right now. Once you finally make your dreams come true – you’ll feel like a winner – and you’ll be absolutely proud of yourself (and you should be).

Success can be in different areas of your life –  finances, business, relationships, etc.

Why Use Positive Affirmations For Success

Affirmations for wealth and success are an excellent way to start your day. It makes you feel energized, positive and eager to succeed.

This is the perfect way to invite you to be more productive and get closer to your goals.

How To Use Affirmations for Success

You can use success affirmations on a daily basis at any moment of the day. Many people decide to say or write their affirmations when they wake up so that they can start their day on a positive note.

You could also use them before you go to bed so that you end your day with positive thoughts. There are no rules – you decide!

Make sure to bookmark this page if you want to use affirmations for success every day.

  1. I am successful in all that I do.
  2. I am a magnet for success.
  3. Great things happen to me.
  4. I am a positive person who attracts positive situations that lead to success.
  5. I believe I can do anything.
  6. The universe always provides for me.
  7. I am focused on my goal and will never quit.
  8. I am the architect of my life.
  9. When I look inside, I realize how much success I have achieved already.
  10. I look for every opportunity.
  11. Today, I abandon old habits to make room for new, positive ones.
  12. Challenges are opportunities for me to learn and grow.
  13. My life becomes better every day.
  14. My thoughts attract my reality.
  15. Achieving my goals is easy.
  16. Being successful is my natural state of being.
  17. The universe supports my ambition and works to give me what I want.
  18. I can make it happen.
  19. Others are inspired by my success.
  20. The universe rewards my dedication.
  21. I set clear goals and consistently work on achieving them.
  22. I am courageous.
  23. My actions and goals are aligned with each other.
  24. I am surrounded by people who push me to be my best self.
  25. I have the mindset of a winner.
  26. My thoughts create my reality.
  27. My potential is limitless.
  28. I am inspired by others’ success.
  29. There is a solution for every problem I encounter.
  30. Slow progress is still progress.
  31. I am exactly where I need to be right now.
  32. I attract success every day.
  33. I am a role model to others.
  34. Success favors me.
  35. I am the only person who can change my life.
  36. I am worthy of manifesting my biggest desires.
  37. Other people’s success does not define me.
  38. I have faith in my abilities.
  39. Failure is a learning curve.
  40. I was born to be successful.
  41. I am in control of my future.
  42. I always take the path that leads me to my highest potential.
  43. Things have a way of working themselves out for me.
  44. I finish what I start.
  45. I am ever expanding my beliefs of what is possible.
  46. I am an expert at what I do.
  47. I am stepping into the most successful version of myself.
  48. I leave no stone unturned to find success.
  49. I am capable of achieving all my goals.
  50. I am patient in the face of adversity.
  51. I am surrounded by successful people.
  52. I am not a failure.
  53. I take advantage of all opportunities presented to me.
  54. Noone is better at what I do than me.
  55. I work on my goals with enthusiasm and persistence.
  56. There is room for everyone to be successful.
  57. My past does not define my future.
  58. I am an achiever. 
  59. I always expect the most positive outcome from every situation.
  60. Today will be an incredible day.
  61. When I’m tired I rest, I don’t quit.
  62. The perfect opportunity for me is right around the corner.
  63. I trust that I am on the right path for me.
  64. I already have what it takes.
  65. I am in tune with my intuition and know what opportunities are meant for me.
  66. My success is not dependent on others’ perceptions of me.
  67. I know that I am worthy of all the goodness that flows to me.
  68. I expect success, and success comes to me.
  69. I achieve my goals, one after the other.
  70. Small successes build into big successes for me.
  71. Nothing can dim the light that radiates from within me.
  72. I am good enough.
  73. Progress, not perfection.
  74. Whatever I put my mind to and work hard on, prospers and grows.
  75. Luck follows me wherever I go.

Final Thoughts On Success Affirmations

Using daily affirmations for abundance, wealth and success is a great way to become more confident in your abilities and to develop a strong mindset so that you can be unstoppable.

Positive affirmations are powerful – so don’t underestimate them!

Looking for more inspiration? Check the following lists: