Do you want to learn how to manifest money? You’re not alone. Many people wish to manifest wealth and financial abundance.

Whether you’re familiar with manifestation and the law of attraction or not, you’ll be happy to know that it really does work.

In this post, we’ll cover the basics of the law of attraction for money, manifestation, as well as give you tips so that you can start manifesting money right away.

manifesting money

What Is Manifesting?

Manifesting is all about turning your dreams into reality. That said, you do need to be proactive about your dreams if you want to reach them.

It all starts with our thoughts and beliefs.

If you think and believe something, it will come. Because when you think and believe something completely, your actions will follow.

To manifest money, you’ll need to think about it and believe that you can and will attract more money in your life.

Curious to learn more about manifestation? Learn how to manifest anything!

What’s The Law Of Attraction?

The law of attraction is the philosophy that suggests that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into our lives.

It seems very easy, but the truth is that many of us have negative thoughts without realizing it. After all, we aren’t always paying attention to our thoughts.

To attract money in your life, you’ll need to start paying attention and transform your thoughts into positive ones.

Can You Really Manifest Money?

Yes, you can really manifest money. In fact, you can manifest anything. It’s all about setting intentions and believing that you can make them real.

When you believe in something, you act on it.

Keep reading to see how you can start manifesting money.

How To Attract And Manifest Money With The Law Of Attraction

The first step to attracting and manifesting money is to understand your relationship with money and identify your current beliefs. Once you’re clear on that, you can envision clear goals.

Understanding Your Relationship With Money

Your relationship and emotions towards money started a long time ago, without you even knowing.

What was your parent’s relationship with money? 

Were they always stressed about it? 

Did they often fight about it? 

Or were they comfortable with money?

When you were growing up, you started forming opinions about money. If you are reading this, you have probably had some kind of a love/hate relationship with money in your life.

Here are some opinions you may have:

  • Money doesn’t buy happiness
  • I don’t need a house or a car to be happy
  • It’s better to be broke and happy

These opinions are convincing you to remain in your current financial situation. They are justifying your finances – but when you take time and really think about it – is it really that great to be broke? Wouldn’t you feel happier if you had no debts? Or if you had a house and a car?

You may have made some financial mistakes in the past, accumulated some debts, or maybe you just think you’re bad at budgeting.

The goal here is to get clear on your relationship with money. How would you qualify it? What feelings and emotions do you have around money?

Pay attention to your thoughts when you’re spending money, when you’re looking at your bank account balance and when you receive money.

You could have thoughts like these…

  • I can’t afford that
  • That’s too expensive
  • I won’t make the rent this month

It’s important to take time to notice your thoughts around money so that you can slowly transform them into positive ones. This is how you’ll develop your money mindset.

To manifest and attract money, you’ll need to transform your opinions, and emotions around money. After all, if you don’t love money, money will not come to you.

Identifying Your Limiting Beliefs About Money

Similar to opinions and emotions around money, you probably have limiting beliefs.

Start paying attention to your thoughts and beliefs around money and finances. 

Are you surprising yourself with thoughts like…

  • I’ll never have enough money for a house
  • I’ll always be broke
  • Nobody would pay me this much
  • It’s hard to make money
  • I don’t have enough money

Chances are that you keep repeating the same limiting beliefs to yourself without even noticing. 

The worst part is that you actually believe these thoughts. Instead, you should transform your thoughts and start believing positive ones.

Visualize The Future

You need to be clear on what you really want. Imagine everything with as much detail as you can.

The key here is to visualize the future as if it already happened. Imagine how it would feel and believe it is actually happening.

Think of why you need the money and be clear on what you will do with this money.

Really dive deep into imagining how it will all feel because emotions and feelings will help you take action.

Once you’re clear on what you want, set your intentions. You can do so in different ways. I personally love using positive affirmations.

Using Positive Affirmations For Money

Positive affirmations are a great way to reprogram your brain so that you can transform negative thoughts into positive ones. It’s an excellent way to develop a strong money mindset.

You can say them out loud, in your head, write them down, or create a vision board. You could also meditate. You can use positive affirmations for money at any time during the day multiple times.

Positive affirmations are like fuel for your dreams. They are motivating, inspiring and help you take the actions you need to reach your goals.

Some of my favorite money magnet affirmations are:

  • Money is coming to me
  • I love money and money loves me
  • Unexpected money is on its way

Check out this list of affirmations for money for inspiration.

Practice Gratitude

One of the ways you can improve your money mindset is to be grateful for the abundance you already have in your life. This is a quick way to start appreciating money and work towards the healthiest relationship with money.

After all, if you keep repeating things like “rich people are d*cks”, you won’t want to become one.

Every time you see money coming in, think something like “money comes to me easily and effortlessly”.

Every time you spend money, think something like “The more I spend, the more I have and the more I receive”, “I love money”.

The idea here is to recognize that money is giving you more freedom and wealth is making your life easier.

As you can see, it’s all about shifting your mindset about money. There’s no room for negativity here – you need to be aligned with money.

Need help? Read our list of affirmations for gratitude.

Final Thoughts On Manifesting Money

Using the tips mentioned above regularly is going to help you manifest money.

You too deserve wealth, abundance, love, success, and more. In order to achieve your dreams, you must believe that you can.

While transforming your thoughts may be challenging at first, it surely is possible with practice. Money is on its way to you – trust the process.

Learn how to manifest by writing to get exactly what you want or read one of the best books about manifestation to learn more about the power of manifesting.

Need help with your mindset? Read one of the following blog posts: