Journaling helps us get clear on what we really want. If you’re interested in manifesting and attracting things in your life, you’ll want to develop a journaling routine.

Writing your desires and affirmations in a manifestation journal is powerful.

It helps you focus, gain clarity and you can remind yourself what you want every day – so that your actions are aligned with your desires.

In this post, we’ll talk about manifestation journals, how it works and how you can start your own.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

manifesting journal

Journaling For Manifesting: How Does It Work?

If you’re familiar with manifesting, you know that there are several ways to go about it. You could meditate, visualize, or write.

Personally, I love mixing writing and positive affirmations – but if you’re here, you’re probably interested in journaling.

When journaling to manifest things in your life, you can either stare at a blank page and write from scratch or follow some exercises.

There are journals specifically made to guide you – so if writing doesn’t come naturally to you, this could be a great option. 

We’ll get back to my recommendations later on, but for now, let’s see what you should actually write in your journal.

Your manifestation journal should include all your dreams, goals, and things you’d love to attract in your life.

The idea is to get as many details as you can so that you can feel something when imagining your dream life. 

It’s no secret – feelings and emotions are the best kinds of fuel to develop new habits or to trigger behaviors.

When you’re journaling every day, you’re basically adding fuel to your dreams and getting the motivation and focus needed to take action.

A manifestation journal is like a written version of a vision board or an action board

Interested? Let’s see how you can create a manifestation journal.

How To Start A Manifestating Journal

The first step is to pick a journal. Some people prefer to write on a computer, and some people prefer to write in a real paper journal – it’s up to you. There’s no right or wrong when it comes to journaling.

If you prefer to write with a keyboard, check out Penzu. It’s a digital app that allows you to write via your computer or phone. It’s the one I use regularly.

Penzu has both a free version and a paid version. You can also use a timer to journal or use a prompt if needed.

Alternatively, if you prefer to write in an actual paper journal, you can either pick a journal with blank pages or a journal with guidance.

Once you have your manifestation journal, you can put your dreams and goals there. Read and write them often so that you can focus on your goals.

Here’s one technique I use when I journal:


  1. I head to Penzu and write a title for the day.
  2. I write about how I’m feeling that morning or if there’s something significant to mention.
  3. I write gratitudes.
  4. I write down what I want to manifest.
  5. I write positive affirmations.
  6. Then, I head to a Google Doc that I named “The Vision” and I read my long-term goals and dreams.
  7. Looking at my goals, I come up with 3 actions I can do that day to get closer to my goals.

Now “The Vision” is mostly about work and business goals, but there are also elements about my personal life. To help me focus, I use a habit tracker – which is helping me become the person I want to be.

If you prefer a manifestation journal with guidance and exercises, keep reading to find my recommendations.

Best Manifestation Journals

Thankfully, there are many options when it comes to manifestation journals.

Here are some of the most interesting manifestation journals for people who are just starting out with journaling and manifesting.

This Year I Will…



This guided journal helps you achieve your goals in 52 weeks. The journey starts with identifying your core values and setting goals.

This journal will help you understand your feelings, actions, challenges, etc.

The Morning Magic 5-Minute Journal



This guided journal includes writing prompts which makes the journaling process easier.

You can set your intentions and write down your gratitudes with their easy framework.

The concept is easy – you should be able to journal quickly (in 5 minutes) with their engaging prompts.

The Super Attractor



This journal is not only beautiful but is also ideal if you love to write lengthy pages. Each page has its own inspiring watercolor designs and positive mantra.

If you need a bit more guidance, this one might not be the right fit for you though.

Gratitude: A Day And Night Reflection Journal



This 90-day guided journal will help you through exercises and prompts. Each page includes space for gratitude, affirmations, and more.

It will become a great source of positivity and inspiration for you.

Manifestation Journal Examples And Ideas

Need ideas and inspiration on what to write? Here are some exercises and journaling ideas to inspire you.

  • Write the story of your future life
  • Brain dump (which is great for brainstorming new ideas)
  • Journaling prompts (take a look at our self-discovery journal prompts)
  • Write about what you want
  • Clarify your intentions behind your desires
  • Appreciation and gratitude list
  • 5×55 method (write an intention 55 times every day for 5 days)
  • Morning intentions

Best Manifestation Journal Methods

There are many ways to keep a manifestation journal, but here are some of the most popular methods:

1. The Morning Pages Method: This is where you write down your goals for the day and what you need to do to achieve them.

You can also write down any positive affirmations or mantras you want to repeat throughout the day.

2. The Gratitude Journal Method: This is where you write down five things you are grateful for each day. This can help keep your mind positive and focused on the good things in your life.

3. The Vision Board Method: This is where you create a board of images and words that represent your goals and aspirations.

This can help you stay focused on what you want to achieve and provide inspiration when times get tough.

Final Thoughts On Manifestation Journals

Finally, journaling is a great routine to implement so that you can gain daily clarity and motivation.

Journaling to manifest things in your life means that you’ll be inspired to take more aligned actions. In fact, journaling is one of the best manifestation techniques out there.

If you have never journaled before, we hope our guide will help you write a manifestation journal so that you can get anything you want.

Learn more about manifestation by reading one of the following guides: