Using affirmations daily is a way to improve your mindset and reprogram your thoughts to attract things or people in your life.

Include these 50 positive money affirmations that work fast to attract money in your life – almost instantly!

In this post, we’ll talk about the power of positive affirmations for money and how to make affirmations work faster for you. You’ll also find a list of positive money affirmations that work fast.

woman writing money affirmations

How To Fastrack Your Journey With Positive Money Affirmations

If you want positive money affirmations to work faster for you, you first need to understand how they work.

Affirmations are positive statements you tell yourself on a daily basis. It helps you turn a negative thought into a positive one and after a bit of practice, you start believing your thoughts and finally get rid of limiting beliefs.

Everything starts with a thought or an idea. In order to achieve success, wealth, and financial freedom, you must think about it, visualize it, and believe you can do it.

If you believe you can’t – you’ll never take actions to try to achieve your goals.

If you believe you can – you’ll get inspired, and you’ll start taking the actions to reach your goals.

When it comes to money affirmations, many of us need to work on our relationship with money and our thoughts towards it.

The goal is to improve our money mindset so that we believe we deserve wealth and money.

You can learn more about money mindset and get our list of financial affirmations here.

Money Affirmations That Work Fast

You can use money affirmations on a daily basis at any moment of the day. Many people decide to say or write their affirmations when they wake up so that they can start their day with a motivated attitude.

You could also use your favorite money affirmations before you go to bed so that you end your day with positive thoughts.

There are no rules when it comes to using affirmations – you decide!

Make sure to bookmark this page if you want to use affirmations for money and wealth every day.

  1. I am excited about all the money I’m attracting into my life right now.
  2. This will be the most financially successful month of my life so far.
  3. I am ready and able to receive unexpected money.
  4. Money flows to me from lots of different sources.
  5. Wealth is attracted to me right now.
  6. I am constantly attracting new opportunities to make more money.
  7. I am attracting money at this very moment.
  8. Ultimate wealth is on its way to me right now.
  9. I welcome abundance into my life.
  10. Money is my friend.
  11. I live a life of financial security.
  12. I am a money magnet.
  13. I am attracting high-paying clients right now.
  14. I am financially free.
  15. I am open to receiving more money into my life.
  16. I will receive a large sum of money this month.
  17. My net worth is increasing all the time.
  18. I know that I have the power to be wealthy.
  19. My bank balance is always growing.
  20. I will receive more money this year than I ever have in my life before.
  21. I invite wealth into my life.
  22. Money comes to me in miraculous ways.
  23. I am constantly thinking of new ways to make money.
  24. All the money I spend comes back to me multiplied.
  25. Money is no longer an issue.
  26. I have all the money I need.
  27. My bank balance is going to explode with more money than I ever thought possible.
  28. I will become a millionaire this year.
  29. I step from a mindset of lack into a mindset of abundance.
  30. There is a never-ending supply of money in the world.
  31. I use my money for good, and the universe is always rewarding me with more.
  32. When I visualize myself receiving money, I think it into existence.
  33. Before this month is over, money will change my life for the better.
  34. I do not come from a rich family, but a rich family will come from me.
  35. I’m about to receive a huge check.
  36. The universe always grants me easy money.
  37. The more I believe that money is a positive tool, the more money comes to me.
  38. There is no limit to my financial potential.
  39. I release all negative feelings around money.
  40. I am paid well for doing what I love.
  41. My bank account grows while I’m sleeping.
  42. I attract abundance into my reality effortlessly.
  43. I love money, and money loves me.
  44. I trust that the universe wants to bless me with an abundance of wealth.
  45. I make more money every day.
  46. Money allows me to live a life of freedom.
  47. My income will double this month.
  48. I will take good care of my family and friends with my newfound wealth.
  49. I am about to attract unlimited wealth from an unknown source.
  50. Cash will flow to me like water this year.

Final Thoughts On Money Affirmations That Work Instantly

Using daily affirmations for money work. Every time you feel doubts or fears, head back to this list and pick a few positive statements.

The idea here is to rewire your brain and be open to opportunities that could bring more wealth into your life.

Positive money affirmations are powerful – you’ll get money in no time! We’re sure of it.

Want more affirmation inspiration? Read one of the following blog posts: