Money mindset is a thing. And your relationship with money makes the difference between “broke” and “wealthy”.

It’s no secret that positive financial affirmations can be powerful. In the last two years, I worked a lot on my money mindset and my relationship with money.

I went from having lots of debts to paying off my debts in 6 months – just by working on my mindset. One year later, I was buying an apartment in cash in Bulgaria. And I still have a lot of savings in my bank account.

I’m not saying this to brag – I just want to show you that if it worked for me, it could work for you too.

I wasn’t aware of my relationship with money. Back then, it was quite toxic and a huge source of stress. When I read the book “You’re a badass at making money”, I realized that I had a lot of issues with money.

Two months later, I had my biggest income month ever. Having a strong money mindset and a beautiful relationship with money made me believe in myself.

In this post, we’ll talk about your relationship with money and how to use positive affirmations for money and abundance so that you can attract more money in your life.

money mindset affirmations

What’s Money Mindset?

A money mindset is your attitude towards money and finances. That’s how you make your financial decisions and how you deal with your finances/budget. 

Being aware of your relationship with money and how you’re handling your finances is the first step to improving your financial situation. If you ever want a chance at financial freedom, you must work on your abundance mindset.

Why Is Your Money Mindset Important?

Your relationship with money started when you were young. You saw how your family was handling their finances and eventually, you started working and making money.

Over time, you started having emotions towards money – and chances are that if you’re reading this, your emotions may have been negative. 

For me, money was a stressful thing and I thought I’d always be broke – because I couldn’t see the end of it.

Until I forced myself to look at my finances once and for all to come up with strategies to get out of debts.

Slowly, my relationship with money and my emotions towards it changed. I used positive money affirmations to motivate myself and to help me transform my thoughts towards money.

Now, making money is easy. I feel gratitude towards money because it gives me freedom and more choices.

Why Use Financial Affirmations?

Using financial affirmations on a daily basis helps you transform negative thoughts into positive ones. It’s motivating and inspiring.

It helps you achieve your goals and attract money.

How To Use Financial And Wealth Affirmations

You can use affirmations for wealth and money on a daily basis at any moment of the day. Many people decide to say or write their affirmations when they wake up so that they can start their day with a motivated attitude.

You could also use them before you go to bed so that you end your day with positive thoughts. There are no rules – you decide!

Make sure to bookmark this page if you want to use affirmations for wealth and abundance every day.

  1. Attracting money is easy because I’m willing to put in the work.
  2. I have a wealthy mindset.
  3. I release all mental blocks in order to attract more money.
  4. I am comfortable handling large sums of money.
  5. A wealthy life is a life of freedom.
  6. I am aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance.
  7. I have more than enough money to pursue all my interests.
  8. I am able to become rich and remain the same person.
  9. I am wealthy in many ways.
  10. Finances are not an issue for me.
  11. I have a millionaire’s mindset.
  12. My money goals will manifest this year.
  13. Future generations will thank me for the hard work I put in to achieve financial success.
  14. My income is passive.
  15. I am able to save more money than I could ever imagine.
  16. There is no limit to my abundance of wealth.
  17. I radiate wealth.
  18. Being broke is in my past.
  19. I am the richest person I know.
  20. I am able to provide for my family.
  21. I can afford anything I desire.
  22. People see me as a person overflowing with abundance.
  23. My income is increasing rapidly.
  24. It is ok for me to desire more money.
  25. I work less and make more money.
  26. Money leads to peace.
  27. I am able to afford my dream lifestyle with ease.
  28. Others watch me make money in awe.
  29. Others trust me with money.
  30. My wealth has no limitations.
  31. My loved ones benefit from my wealth.
  32. I am allowed to be excited about money.
  33. I inspire others to seek wealth.
  34. I am surrounded by millionaires.
  35. I feel wealth flowing towards me.
  36. I set new financial goals every day.
  37. I earn unimaginable amounts of money by doing what I love.
  38. Wealth will not pass me by.
  39. Financial freedom is more than just a dream, it will be my reality.
  40. I always attract abundance into my life.
  41. I desire wealth because I was born to be wealthy.
  42. I have multiple streams of income.
  43. My grateful heart attracts wealth.
  44. I can make large financial decisions with ease.
  45. My friends and family are proud of my financial success.
  46. I am able to make more positive changes in the world when I’m rich.
  47. I can be trusted with money.
  48. I will never live paycheck to paycheck again.
  49. I grow beyond my limitations every day.
  50. I clear a path for the arrival of abundance.
  51. My bank balance is overflowing with money.
  52. I am drenched in wealth.
  53. I think of money only in a positive way.
  54. Money allows me to live life on my own terms.
  55. The more I give to the world, the more my wealth increases.
  56. My income is a direct result of my thoughts.
  57. The more money I have, the more I can share.
  58. I receive abundance from all around me.
  59. I am constantly achieving my financial goals.
  60. I have a great relationship with money.
  61. Making money is easy for me.
  62. I make good financial decisions.
  63. Debt is a word of the past.
  64. Money is no longer a source of negativity in my life.
  65. I already have more than enough money.
  66. I have more money coming in than going out.
  67. Future generations will benefit from the wealth I’ve created.
  68. The work I do is aligned with the money I want to make.
  69. I deserve to be financially secure for the rest of my life.
  70. I am always expecting more money to find me.
  71. Money flows to me constantly.
  72. I choose to be a magnet for wealth.
  73. By being wealthy, I am fulfilling my destiny.
  74. I have the ability to make money.
  75. Financial miracles are on their way to me.

Final Thoughts On Finance Affirmations

Using daily affirmations for money, wealth and abundance is a great way to become more confident in your abilities, get rid of limiting beliefs, and develop a great relationship with money.

Positive financial money affirmations are powerful – get ready for financial miracles!

Want more inspiration? Read one of the following lists: