Blogging is an amazing hobby or profession, enabling you to engage with people from all over the world, just by writing about topics you love. Sounds perfect right? And it is, but a blog does not run itself, which is where these best planners for bloggers come in.

It’s not quite as simple as spilling everything you’re thinking of as a brain dump and publishing it. There are content pillars to think of, upcoming blog posts to plan, goals to work towards, and budgets to deal with.

Blogging planner

In fact, in a blogger’s head, there is a never-ending task list to deal with, and while the filing cabinet that is your brain, is more than equipped to store all the information you need, having so many tasks on your mind can make you feel just a tiny bit overwhelmed. And what’s the biggest killer of productivity? OVERWHELM.

Yes, it’s a cruel world, when planning your blog is what’s causing you to not write your blog or set goals.

This is why we love to have a planner that’s specifically dedicated to blogging. Blogging planners enable us to keep track of everything we need and having information written down in front of us benefits us in more than just one way.

  • A written jobs list is easier to work through. We find that starting with the smallest jobs and working our way up to the biggest is the best way to be productive, as you can tick off those small tasks quickly, and the many ticks on your list will inspire you to tackle those tasks you might have been putting off.
  • Writing down your blogging goals gives you accountability, and helps you to strive towards them. If you don’t write them down, it’s easy to ignore your goals, and pretend they don’t exist, especially if you haven’t voiced them to anyone either.
  • Tracking your expenses is easier. Can you remember everything you’ve spent in the last week? Because we can’t! Keeping track of your expenses, as well as your profit is important when blogging, for 2 reasons: Tax season, and your own knowledge.

There are many other benefits that using a planner for your blog provides, but these are some of the ones that make a big difference to us. If you want a successful blog, listen to us, YOU NEED TO PLAN.

We’ve listed 5 of the best planners for bloggers– all of which will help keep you accountable and organized, and will make running your blog a piece of cake.

CREATE Blog And Editorial Planner

The CREATE Blog and Editorial Planner is the most comprehensive planner for bloggers that we’ve found. There are two editions of the planner and we’d recommend opting for the new and improved second edition, which has added extra features that are extremely helpful to bloggers.

In this planner you’ll find an undated monthly planner, meaning you can start filling it out at any point in the year. There are pages for you to track your social stats, as well as your email metrics so that you can know exactly which methods of marketing are bringing the most traffic to your blog, and where to double down your efforts.

There are also sections dedicated to milestones, determining popular content, project planning, campaign planning and analysis, and a planner section that uses the ‘4 time buckets’ task management system that enables more productivity and less stress. 

This planner is perfect for those who want to focus their attention 100% on blogging, but also for those who want to create projects off the back of their blogs such as ebooks and courses, but never get around to planning them. There are no excuses anymore with the CREATE planner as there are sections specifically for your projects. 

By allowing you to track your audience’s favorite types of blog posts, and the success of your email campaigns, you’ll become a more efficient blogger, knowing exactly what works for you (and what doesn’t), to see more success and a more engaged audience.

Action Planner For Bloggers

The Action Planner For Bloggers is a no-nonsense planning tool that allows you to focus on the areas of your blog that you need to work on, without becoming distracted with other tasks, and fun things that don’t move the needle. 

This blog content planner is a quarterly notebook that is undated and includes pages for setting goals, as well as tips and tricks to help you dive towards success. It also includes both weekly and monthly planning pages so that you can break down your tasks into more manageable, bite-size chunks.

On top of this, there are daily action pages, so you know exactly what needs to be done on any particular day. For those who like space to brainstorm, there are blank note pages available too.

Brainstorming is especially helpful at getting your creative juices flowing, and you’ll be surprised at how many ideas you have.

EPIC Blog Planner

The EPIC Blog Planner has all sorts of features that make it one of the best planners for bloggers. 

First up is the SEO checklist to help you ensure you’re ranking for the best keywords. Another checklist the planner includes is the design checklist. 

Turning to money for a minute, there is a section on monetizing your blog and an affiliate account management page to keep track of which companies you’re earning with.

Other features we like include the blog design planner, content management pages, marketing progress reports, and guest post planning pages.

It’s easy to see that this blog planner is made by someone who uses it themselves as there are so many handy sections within the planner.

Blog Planner

If you struggle to stay on top of your content, this Blog Planner is for you. It’s easy to become disorganized as a blogger and forget to keep up with things like a blog or social media schedule. 

This planner is great for beginners as it has a dedicated checklist for you to use before you launch. There are all sorts of planning tools included inside, such as a monthly goals planner, content and post planner, social media performance tracking, brand creation, and more.

Additionally, there is a section of plain notepaper for you to use the best way for your business, whether that’s to brainstorm content ideas or jot down your expenses.

Blog Growth Planner

If someone were to ask you how much you’re paying in expenses to run your blog, would you know? What about your income? Or your total profit overall?

In order for your blog to grow well, you need to have a grasp on your finances. Money is often a daunting topic for many people, especially when it comes to their own business, but this Blog Growth Planner guides you through to make it easier and more manageable.

It’s not just finances that this planner focuses on. As well as a revenue goal setting section, breakdown of income sources, and trackers for your income and expenses, you’ll also find everything else you need to run a successful blog, including trackers for information such as passwords of affiliate programs, monthly overview pages, blog traffic prompts, annual growth trackers, weekly to-do lists, and reflection pages.

Blogging planner

Final Thoughts On The Best Planners For Bloggers

Behind every successful blogger is… a planner. Ok, it doesn’t sound very glamorous, but planning your blog properly sets you up for success while lowering your stress and overwhelm. Try out one of these planners for bloggers, and we promise you won’t turn back.

If you need help to improve your productivity, read our guide to learn how to plan a productive week.

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