We all have our moments when we think “I don’t want to work anymore” or “I don’t want to work for anyone else anymore”.

Whether it’s because of a bad experience at work, the need for a change or to be in charge – it’s likely to happen at some point.

I had the same feeling when I worked as a social worker in my early twenties. I wanted to travel the world long-term but I could only afford to take holidays. once a year

Eventually, I made a plan to quit my job and I did it – it was tough, but it was the right decision for me.

This post is divided into three sections:

  1. Tips for when you’re feeling demotivated at work and don’t want to work
  2. Tips for when you feel like quitting your job
  3. Tips for when you’re ready to quit your job

Without further ado, let’s get started.

tired of working

When You Feel Demotivated At Work And Don’t Want To Work Anymore

Not wanting to work anymore can be caused by a lack of motivation or purpose. Whether you’re working for yourself or for someone else – it’s possible to feel like you need a real break.

I came up with tips to help me when I don’t feel like working.

Create A Work Routine

If you can mix up your work routine, do it. Focus on the most important task first, then calibrate and adjust your tasks for the day. You could experiment with different tasks and times to see what triggers you.

As an online entrepreneur, I’m in charge of my work routine which I really enjoy. If you work for someone, this may be tricky. You may be able to make some little changes, but it’s going to be limited.

Do A Little Bit More

Usually, at some point, I get tired and I feel like taking a break. I try to do one more little task before taking a break. It may seem counterintuitive, but when I get started, I’m fine. It’s the “getting started part” that’s the hardest.

If you need a push, consider using an app like Pomodoro to set timers and help you stay motivated.

Focus On Tasks That Bring You Closer To Your Goals

Each day, month, and year, I check in on my goals so that I can focus on the tasks that bring me closer to my long-term goals.

Focusing on my vision is my way of being in control and it helps me focus on the actions that make a difference instead of doing everything that comes to my mind.

When You Feel Like Quitting Your Job

Now if you’re not working for yourself, the chances are that at some point you might feel the urge to quit. But, it’s not always possible. The first step is to evaluate your options.

Evaluate Your Options

Are you in the kind of financial situation where you can take the risk of quitting? Do you have savings? Do you have to support a partner or a family?

Evaluating your options is a critical step so that you don’t make any rash decisions that could make your life difficult later on.

You may realize that you can’t quit, or that you simply need a well-deserved break.

Go On A Holiday Or Reward Yourself

Sometimes, we just need a break.  Whether it’s a short getaway on the weekend, a night with friends, or a holiday.

Think of something to reward yourself for all the hard work you’ve been doing and take some time to take care of yourself.

Think Of The Future

What are your long-term goals? Do you need this job to reach your dream goals? Your job could be a means to an end – so it’s important to consider your future when making a decision.

If you realize that all you really want is to quit your job to create your own business, it may be time to prepare for it.

When You’re Ready To Quit Your Job

Quitting your job is not always that easy. You may need to save money, get your project started, or look for another job.

Let’s see what you need to prepare in order to be able to quit your job.

Prepare For Departure

Make a plan with a timeline. Are you quitting your job to start your own business? Is there a way for you to work on your new business on the weekend? Are you quitting your job to go back to school? Apply for your dream school program. Are you quitting your job to start a new career? Start working on your resume.

Make a plan so that you know exactly what step to take in order to reach your goals.

Create A Budget

If you’re launching a business, planning on working remotely or going back to school, you’ll likely need savings in the bank. Think of how much you’re able to save each month to feel comfortable, and from there, create a timeline for your fresh start.

Then, you can start budgeting realistically so that you know what to expect when you quit your job.

Take Actions

If you don’t like to work, you’ll need to do something about it – whether it’s having a difficult conversation with your boss or finding another job.

It’s not just about planning, it’s about executing the plan.

Final Thoughts On What To Do When You Don’t Feel Like Working

Sometimes work is a necessity – and if that’s the case, you may just need a reminder of why you need this job.

If it’s possible for you to quit your job, make a plan and take action. It doesn’t have to be a fast and rash decision. After all, you don’t want to get in financial trouble, do you?

Planning for a smooth transition will be less stressful.

There are plenty of things you can do when you don’t feel like working – just find the thing that motivates you the most whether it’s a dream, a goal, or a fun reward!

Need more motivation? Read one of the following blog posts: