What if you could start your own online business? Is running an online business a good option for you? Do you have what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur? 

Obviously, becoming a successful entrepreneur isn’t as easy as it sounds. Not everyone makes it. And… it may require a lot of time and patience!

Let’s take a look at Antonio’s story. Antonio runs a few online businesses. I find his story to be inspiring.

Before we start, let’s talk about online businesses and entrepreneurship. We basically want to know if becoming an online entrepreneur is as sexy as it sounds.

How to Start a Successful Online Business

working online

The job description of an online entrepreneur

An entrepreneur is the founder or owner of a company. The goal is to make more profits by establishing and expanding the business. When we refer to an online entrepreneur, it’s the same model with the Internet factor. The entrepreneur will use Internet resources to grow the company.

Interview with Antonio, a successful online entrepreneur

Why did you want to become a digital nomad?

Since I was a teenager I knew I wanted to try different things and meet people from other cultures and that triggered me to start traveling.

When I finished my master I traveled for 6 months in Southeast Asia before getting my first job as an Engineer and that was the first time I was out of Europe.

When I returned from that trip I landed my first job in Belgium and after 6 months I knew that wasn’t for me. I was bored, tired, and depressed with my routine and I knew it was only going to get worst. 

One day I woke up, called my boss letting him know I wasn’t going back, took the next flight to Portugal to see my family and friends and 2 weeks later I was in Thailand to give it a try on my digital nomad journey and I have never returned to a regular job since then. 

How did you get started and how long have you been on the road for?

I left my regular job in 2014 so it’s been 4 years now that I have been living a nomadic life. 

How long did it take you to make a decent income?

When I left my engineering job I had a small gig going on online already that was bringing around 300 euros per month selling really random things online. It took me around 6 months to reach 1000 Euros per month since I started working full-time remotely and that was my first huge goal since that what I felt like a decent amount to live on my own. 

How did you launch your online business? 

I started my first online business really randomly. I ordered 20 random items from China back in 2011 and tried to sell them on a Portuguese version of CraigsList.

One of the items sold really fast so I used the money from the sales to order a few more units until I realized there was a decent demand for that item. I then went to open my own shop for similar items that I still own until today. 

After that business, I started a few others but mostly with digital products and services since I hate to deal with physical items. Nowadays I have 10 online courses and over 80 Travel Guides that I sell online. 

Did you take any courses or did you use FREE resources online? 

When I started I used only free resources and spent a lot of hours reading books and watching youtube tutorials related to web development, digital marketing, and personal development.

Nowadays I try to do at least 2 courses per month that I usually buy from Udemy. 

Where can we find you?

You can find Antonio at 55 Secrets, on Facebook, Instagram and Udemy.

Want to start your own online business?

Check these online business ideas for beginners.