Manifesting someone on paper is a way of bringing that person into your life. It creates a physical representation of the person, which you can then use to focus your thoughts and energy on.

The more you focus on the representation, the more likely it is that the person will come into your life. The representation can be anything – a picture, a name, or even just a list of qualities that you want the person to have.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to manifest someone on paper and give you some tips on how to make it work for you.

But first, let’s see if it’s possible to manifest someone.

Woman writing to manifest someone on paper

Can You Manifest Someone?

The answer is yes – you can manifest anyone you want. The only caveat is that they have to be willing to be in your life.

You can’t make someone love you, for example. But if the person you want to manifest is open to the idea of being in a relationship with you, then you can definitely manifest them.

The same goes for any other type of relationship – platonic, professional, or anything else. If the person is open to being in that kind of relationship with you, then you can manifest them.

Of course, it’s not always easy to tell if someone is open to the idea of being in a relationship with you. If you’re not sure, then it’s always best to err on the side of caution and assume that they’re not.

With that said, let’s take a look at how to manifest someone on paper.

Woman writing to manifest someone on paper

Ways To Manifest Someone On Paper

There are a few different ways to manifest someone on paper. The most important thing is that you use a method that feels right for you, and that you’re comfortable with.

Here are some of the most popular methods.

Woman writing to manifest someone on paper

1. Write Down Their Name

One simplest and most effective way to manifest someone is to write down their name.

You can write it on a piece of paper or use a whiteboard or chalkboard. The important thing is that you focus your thoughts and energy on the name as you write it.

This is the best way to manifest someone back into your life or someone you already know.

2. Write Down Their Qualities

If you don’t know the person you want to manifest, or if you want to attract someone new into your life, then you can write down a list of qualities that you want them to have.

Again, focus your thoughts and energy on the list as you write it. The more specific you can be, the better.

For example, rather than just writing “kind”, you could write “always willing to help others, even if they don’t know them”.

3. Create A Collage Or Vision Board

Another popular way to manifest someone is to create a collage or vision board. This is a collection of images and words representing the person you want to bring into your life.

You can find images online or in magazines and write down qualities or goals that you want the person to have.

The important thing is that you put thought and effort into creating the collage or vision board and that you focus your thoughts and energy on it.

4. Draw A Picture Of Them

If you’re artistic, then you may want to consider drawing a picture of the person you want to manifest.

Again, focus your thoughts and energy on the picture as you draw it. The more detail you can include, the better.

If you’re unsure what the person looks like, you can use your imagination or look for pictures of people with the qualities you want them to have.

5. Visualise Experiences With The Person You Want To Manifest

Another effective way to manifest someone is to visualize experiences with them. This could be anything from going on a date to getting married or having children.

Think about how you want the experience to play out, and focus your thoughts and energy on it. The more detail you can include, the better.

The important thing is that you focus on the positive experiences you want to have rather than any negative ones.

We recommend journaling and writing down details about the things you wish to experience.

This is a fantastic way to keep your mind focused on the happy aspects of a relationship and will help you avoid any doubts or negative thoughts about the person you want to manifest.

Woman writing to manifest someone on paper

Final Thoughts On Manifesting Someone On Paper

There are a few different ways to manifest someone on paper. The most important thing is that you use a method that feels right for you, and that you focus your thoughts and energy on the person you want to bring into your life.

If you’re not sure how to get started, then why not try one of the methods we’ve listed above? We’re sure you’ll be manifesting the person you want in no time!

Need help with manifesting? Read one of the following guides: