Wanting to turn your hobby blog into your profession, but feeling strung out and impatient? Maybe you just need to change your blogger mindset

There are several mindset switches you can make in your brain that will impact your business positively and drive you towards becoming the expert in your niche, with hundreds of thousands of page views per month.

Whether you’re unwilling to spend a dime on your website or are struggling with a lack of motivation, we’ve got tips for your blogging mindset, which will get you hearing the cha-ching of dollars flowing into your bank account before you know it.

Blogger mindset

Determination vs Motivation 

Blogging starts as an outlet for your inspiration. You feel motivated, encouraged, and excited to share your thoughts with the big, bad internet, and begin churning out post after post with glee.

At certain times in your blogging journey, that spark of motivation may diminish (it’ll come back, we promise) and it’s important to not let a dry spell undo months of dedication.

Focusing on being determined will help you to stay consistent, even if you’d rather binge-watch Netflix than write more content.

Set yourself weekly goals or have a daily schedule that is non-negotiable, full of tasks that will enable you to propel your blogging business forward and allow you to monetize your efforts.

Giving vs Taking 

It’s easy to get caught up in a cycle of checking your blog stats every day, wondering why your traffic isn’t going up, and obsessing over every cent you make. Choosing to focus on what you can give instead of what you can take is a simple blogger mindset change.

Think of the value you’re giving to your audience. Is there a way you could increase that value even more? Readers are looking to find answers online and they don’t want to scour 10 different search results in order to do so.

Make sure that your blog post is the most helpful of them all, consider adding a free downloadable PDF, and be responsive in the comments section (if you accept comments, of course).

This might not show instant results but over time, you’ll become known for being the one-stop shop for information in your niche.

Patience vs Frustration

Maybe you blogged every day for a month, maybe you took ages making an incredible Tik-Tok to promote your post, or maybe you invested in ads, and after all of that are still hearing crickets.

Gaining traffic is a blogger’s number one pain point and frustration often grows by the day, with every check of your Google Analytics.

Take a step back to see the beauty in the struggle and trust in the journey. Gained one more page view than yesterday? Celebrate it! Did someone find your site through a Google search? Fantastic! Got a comment on one of your posts? Amazing! 

Allowing yourself to become frustrated when your blogging stardom doesn’t come quickly leads you down a slippery slope to quitting.

Having patience and enjoying every phase of blogging, even the annoying parts when it feels like no one is clicking on your website yet is crucial to success.

When you notice a recurring pattern, do more of it. I love the mindset: “do more of what’s working”.

Investing vs Not Spending  

When you begin as a hobby blogger, it’s understandable to keep costs low.

If you’re writing simply out of passion with no desire to turn blogging into a paying gig, you’ll likely do all of the work yourself and avoid expenses such as buying website themes or marketing.

Having a professional blogger mindset means you need to see every expense for your business as an investment in your future self.

That might mean paying someone to make pins for you, signing up for a monthly subscription to a keyword search tool, or taking a course to improve your writing style.

We’re not advocating for you to throw money to the wind carelessly. You should consider each expense and how it will assist you in transitioning your blog to your main source of income.

There should be a goal to every expenditure, and you should reanalyze each outgoing regularly to make sure you’re reaping the rewards of what you’re spending.

For example, when I decide to invest in a new tool, or if I hire someone new, I put a notification in my calendar in 6 months to evaluate the results and see if it’s worth pursuing.

Learning vs Failing

Did you know that Morgan Freeman didn’t have a breakthrough in his acting career until he was 52? Now known as one of the most famous faces of Hollywood, what would have happened if he treated all of the roles that came before his success as failures?

Your ego is going to take a blow after this next sentence. You ARE going to fail. It is inevitable that at some point on your journey to blogger stardom that something will flop.

It might be something small, or you may have to reassess your entire business, do a 180° turn on your niche, or relaunch your website.

Regardless of what you “fail” at, use it as an opportunity for growth.

Thomas Edison learned 1,000 ways NOT to create a lightbulb, which ultimately enabled him to make a discovery that was so profound that it’s used by everyone around the globe every single day over 100 years later.

In fact, when questioned about it, Edison famously stated, “I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.”

Channel his spirit and make the blogger mindset switch to see each defeat as a step in your master plan.

Striving Towards Big Goals vs Being Unrealistic

Leveling up your blogging game requires you to get your business head-on. While you may have always been told to be realistic when growing up, it’s essential to realize whether you’re being TOO realistic and thinking too small. 

Having big goals and ambitions is helpful when you’re making the switch from a hobby blogger to a full-time entrepreneur.

Having things to work towards will help you to keep going and put in actionable steps that will push your business to success.

If you’re a food blogger, you might want to eventually release a cookbook. If that’s the case, what actions could you take now to start working towards that? You could start collecting your favorite recipes, remaking and refining the end result to perfection.

No matter which niche you’re in, there are hundreds of not thousands of ways that you could make more money and drive more success in your business.

Those with a fashion blog could create their own clothing line.

Health and wellness bloggers could collaborate on a line of vitamins or superfood powders, or fitness fanatics may want to launch their own workout app.

If your niche is a little more unusual, it gives you extra opportunities to think outside the box.

For example, if your blog is about dog breeds, you could sell doggy bow ties or create a line of grooming products. Knitters could write an e-book of patterns, and full-time RV bloggers may wish to create a guide to help others get started on the road.

The potential is limitless, so forget what you were told in school and DREAM BIG.

Blogger mindset

Final Thoughts On Blogger Mindset Switch

Now you know how to create a successful blogger mindset, you can change your ways of thinking to embody a successful and powerful blogging business owner.

Mindset is one of the most essential tools in becoming a professional blogger, despite often being overlooked. 

If you’re considering taking your blog to the next level, read these posts:

If you want to increase your blog traffic, start learning SEO. We have an interesting SEO course made for bloggers, and it’s affordable.