Has the world of digital nomad dating got you feeling overwhelmed and out of the game? If so, this post will help to reinvigorate your love life on the road.

Movies are always depicting desert island flings with candy-colored sunsets, moonlit swims, and rolling around in the sand together. If you made it to your destination only to find out this is not always the case, you’re not alone.

While dating as a digital nomad can be easy as pie, if you’re finding your dating life is down in the dumps, we can help. We’re going to cover the top digital nomad dating apps, as well as tips for dating and how to stay safe.

To turn your love life around ASAP, just keep reading.

Digital Nomad Dating

Tips For Dating As A Digital Nomad

In case you need some pointers on where you might be going wrong, here are some ways to make dating while traveling a little easier.

Stay In Shared Accommodations

If you stay in a private Airbnb, you will likely find it more difficult to make friends and meet potential dates. That’s not to say you can’t have some privacy— many coliving spaces have private apartment options, and places like that are designed to help you get to know other nomads.

Use Dating Apps 

Your dream romantic meeting might be jogging along the beach in slow-mo with your hair whipping in the wind, only to bump into your future lover as you trip on the golden sand.

We hate to break it to you, but it doesn’t always happen that way. Sometimes, you need a little nudge getting your running sneakers on and sprinting out the door into the big, wide world of dating.

Using dating apps while traveling is a great way to make connections in a new location, and learn what your date is looking for immediately before you pursue them.

Make Plans  

Spontaneity is one of the most thrilling parts of a relationship unless you’re traveling while dating. If one of you is moving on, make plans to meet up at as many destinations along your route as possible.

If you can, book the hotel together to get you both excited for future meet-ups.

Have Your Own Space

Relationships that are formed while traveling burn with a fire and passion that other relationships don’t. That’s just because you become inseparable from the moment you meet.

After all, neither of you are at home where there are lots of responsibilities to maintain, cats to feed, parents to see and friends to gossip with. You’ll bond over the fact that you’re both alone, and it makes sense to spend as much of the little time you have, together.

However, traveling is a journey of self-discovery, so it’s a good idea to keep some time that’s just for yourself. It doesn’t mean you need to turn down your lover every day, and you’ll figure out what works for you along the way.

For some people that will mean spending a few hours every day alone and the rest of the time together. For others, it will mean going on dates every other day and spending plenty of time surrounded by nothing other than their own company.

Remember To Have Fun 

We just spoke about how intense flings can get while you’re traveling, which leads us to our next point.

Being a digital nomad is supposed to be fun, you’re meant to have new experiences, see new cultures, enjoy the thrill of a new relationship, and if it feels like it’s becoming a bit too much, dial it down and remember that things don’t need to become level 100 serious in a few short days or weeks.

Challenges When Dating As A Digital Nomad  

It’s not all bonfires on the beach and bonding over clumsy English pronunciations, here are some of the challenges you might be facing.

Matching Your Intentions

When people are traveling, their romantic intentions vary widely. Many nomads are just seeking a casual fling or a hookup with a hot stranger, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Others are looking for a travel-loving soul mate to conquer the world with, and that’s ok too. Where it gets a bit tricky is when you both have opposite intentions and neither of you knows.

When you first start dating, make it clear what you’re looking for to ensure you’re on the same page and make sure no one gets hurt along the way.

You’re Always Moving On 

Moving on is undoubtedly the hardest part of dating while traveling. You might have already planned out your accommodation for the next few months, meaning you can’t extend your stay.

Or maybe you’ve already extended your trip for several days or weeks and it’s time to rip the bandaid off. Saying goodbye can be painful, especially if you’re not sure when you’ll next see each other.

You Aren’t In A Place Long Enough To Meet Anyone

If you prefer short stints in lots of locations over creating a home base and spending time exploring the area, you may find it challenging to meet anyone or form lasting relationships.

If you’re moving on every few nights but you’re serious about meeting someone, consider spending a month or more at your next destination.

While you’re there, take place in some activities such as surf lessons or a cooking class, and you’ll find it much easier to make authentic connections and explore dating opportunities. 

Dating Gets Intense Very Quickly

If you like to take things slow, we’ll give you a little warning. Travel relationships tend to go from zero to sizzling in approximately 30 seconds.

It’s the romantic setting, the feeling of freedom, the “screw it” mentality, and the ticking clock that combine to make for a passionate and sometimes overbearing experience. Be sure to communicate if things are getting a bit too heavy too quickly.

Dating Apps While Traveling

Digital nomad dating apps are aimed at people who are traveling. On traditional apps, potential dates might not understand that you’re only in town for the next two weeks but on apps designed for digital nomads, you’ll be in the company of those that get you.

Nomad Soulmates

Nomad Soulmates is a specific digital nomad dating app and is one of the only dating platforms especially targeted at remote workers and travelers. There are over 14,000 members on the platform, spread out across the world and there is also a Nomad Soulmates Facebook group you can join where you can introduce yourself to the community and see if anyone tickles your fancy.


Fairytrail is aimed at all types of travelers, to form lasting friendships and relationships on the road. There are 30,000 members on the app, so connecting with someone shouldn’t be an issue. 93% of members are fully remote, so you can relax knowing that your date will understand your lifestyle. 


TourBar is a website rather than an app that connects travelers around the world. The platform is aimed at friendships as well as relationships and you can make your intentions clear on your profile. There are over 1 million TourBar users in the world so you should get a date quickly. 

Some other apps for dating while traveling include:

  • Nomad List
  • Tinder
  • Bumble 
  • Miss Travel
  • TravelMeetDate 

Safety Tips

Even though you might be feeling much more free and relaxed than at home, it’s still important to ensure you’re staying safe while dating.

Luckily, dating horror stories are few and far between, but that doesn’t mean you should let your guard down. Here are a few safety tips to bear in mind.

Let Someone Know Where You Are

When you’re nomadic, the issue might be who to tell where you’re going. It can be friends you’ve met in your destination or even hotel staff

However, the best people to tell are the ones back home who are the most invested in your safety.

Let them know where you’re going — an address rather than a vague idea, and if this changes or the date progresses, update them with your location.

Also, send them a picture of your date and let them know their name. Finally, give a rough idea of when the night will end and let them know when you’re safely tucked up back in your hotel or apartment.

Meet In A Public Place

This one might seem obvious, but it might not. Luckily, when you’re away, the chances are, you’re in close proximity or some pretty cool places, whether that’s the beach or an Instagram-worthy coffee shop. 

It might seem like an epic adventure to head off on a day of exploring together or visit a hidden cove, but remember, you don’t know them. Stick to places where other people are around at the start. It also gives you an easy out if your date turns out to be big nope.

Don’t Give Away Personal Information

First dates are all about opening up and letting the other person get to know you. Being vulnerable is a beautiful thing, just be smart when you are. If they ask where you’re staying, giving the rough area is a better idea than an exact address.

Likewise, letting them know your travel itinerary by country is sufficient, you don’t need to give away the name of every hotel you’ll be staying at over the next six months.

Most people are perfectly normal, but you don’t want to wind up on a date with someone who won’t take no for an answer and follows you on your travels for weeks.

Digital Nomad Dating

Final Thoughts On Dating As A Digital Nomad

Although it might not seem like it, dating as a digital nomad is TOTALLY possible. Don’t be put off just because of your alternative lifestyle, there are plenty of other nomads and travel lovers out there for you.

If you’re a digital nomad searching for your next destination, check out these blog posts: