Have you done the work but are unsure how to let go of your manifestation? You’re not alone.

Letting go of your desires feels counterintuitive but is an important part of creating the life of your dreams.

In this post, we’re going to cover why you need to let go and practical ways to do so in order to bring your dream life to fruition ASAP.

You’ll learn how to let go when manifesting.

How to let go while manifesting

What Is Letting Go?

Letting go of desires may sound a lot like giving up, but it’s really not. Letting go is a crucial part of your manifestation ritual.

Once you’ve visualized and asked the universe for what you’re seeking, you’ve done your part. 

Letting go isn’t about giving up hope if your goals feel impossible or considering them as pipedreams.

Instead, it’s just realizing that your role is done, and it’s time for the universe to take over.

Why Do You Need To Let Go After Manifesting?

It sounds like a cruel trick of the universe that in order to bring about your desires, you need to stop thinking about them.

The reason that you need to let go is all to do with the energy that you give out to the universe.

If you’re obsessing about what you want, you’re actually pushing away your desires by causing resistance. 

Letting go is similar to that activity where you fall backward and trust that the other person will catch you.

In this instance, the other “person” is the universe and it will drop you if it feels any hesitancy on your part.

You cannot step into receiving mode if you’re still holding on to your desires. 

What is receiving mode?

It’s the state of energy that you omit that draws your manifestations towards you.

If you’re practicing manifestation and the law of attraction and aren’t seeing any results, it’s likely that you’re stuck in asking mode.

It’s only once you let go that you show the universe that you’re ready to receive anything it wants to send your way.

In this mode, you’ll also see everything as a sign, and be willing to accept your desires coming to you in a different (but equally magical) way than you predicted. 

How To Let Go After Manifesting

Letting go sounds fantastic, right? No obsessing and no repetition of the same situation that still hasn’t arisen in your manifestation practice? Sign us up! 

But in a practical sense, how on earth do you let go of the thing you want the most in the world? While it is easier said than done, we have a few tips on how to let go to receive everything you’re manifesting.


Meditation is helpful for overthinkers and manifesters alike. While some people can journal or visualize their goals and then forget about them, for most of us it’s a little harder than that. 

Meditation helps you to focus on the exact moment you’re in, pushing aside all thoughts and concentrating completely on your breath. 

Meditation does take practice and if you’re someone with a lot of thoughts, it will take a little time to become a pro at meditating, so don’t beat yourself up if your first attempt is a total failure.

It’s worth putting in the effort to become a meditation king or queen though as it can benefit all steps of your manifestation process.

If you meditate before manifesting, you’ll find you can visualize with more clarity and focus on your desires better.

If you meditate AFTER manifesting, it will help you to clear your mind and let go of any feelings of desperation or longing, which are only natural to feel when picturing a life that isn’t in your grasp yet.

If you’re struggling with negative emotions such as resentment or doubt because these things aren’t tangible in the present, it will also help you to let go of them.

Instead, you’ll be filled with feelings of calm, peace, and trust that everything will work out, which are all feelings that help you to step into receiving mode.

Learn To Trust 

The most important factor in manifesting ANYTHING is trust. Forget affirmations, journaling, or reading law of attraction books— if you haven’t got trust, you’ll struggle with manifestation.

Trusting in something you can’t see is difficult and no one can dispute that. But if you’re wondering how to let go after manifesting, trusting in the universe is the biggest tip we can give you.

Think of a situation where you have no doubts that what you’ve asked for will come to you, even though it’s out of your control.

The best example we’ve seen of explaining how to be more trusting while manifesting is to do with ordering food in a restaurant. You decide what you want to eat, aka visualization.

You then place your order with the waiter, while in manifestation, you place your order with the universe.

Once you’ve decided on what you want and asked for it, you leave it in the capable hands of the chef. You don’t obsess about whether your food is going to arrive or about the how, why, or where.

You have complete faith that your food will appear in front of you when it’s ready.

If someone asked you if you were worried your food wouldn’t turn up, your answer would be “why would I be?” The law of attraction works in the exact same way, and to activate it, you must view it similarly.   

The formula for successful manifestations is this. Decide on what you want, ask, and receive. It really is that simple. 

Be Present 

Ever feel like you’re living a life that combines the past and the present?

Spending your life thinking about what might happen is no way to live. You tend to create situations in your head that will NEVER happen, and that’s time wasted that you can’t get back. 

Remember, it’s not your job to work out the how’s, why’s, and when’s. Anytime you catch yourself drifting off and picturing your future self, bring yourself back to the present.

If you struggle to do this, use your senses to pull you back to reality. 

Notice five things you can see around you, and we mean REALLY notice them. Then notice four things you can hear, three things that you can touch, two things that you can smell, and one thing that you can taste.

By the end of this exercise, you should be feeling much calmer and be living back in the here and now. After all, now is the only moment we have.

Shake It Up 

If you’ve tried all of these and are STILL wondering how to let go after manifesting, try switching up your daily routine to distract yourself away from constantly thinking about your goals.

Go salsa dancing, try painting, head to a new restaurant, or cook something new. 

There are endless ways of spicing up your life that will spark a fire within you and allow you to enjoy the chapter of life that you’re currently in.

If you need some help injecting some pizazz into your world, consider the things you always say you’d love to do “if you had the time”. 

Maybe there’s a hobby you’ve wanted to try for years but you have no one to try it with you. Or maybe you’d like to learn something through an online course.

Whatever it is, see if you can make room in your schedule for just one new activity, even if you do it just once a week to begin with. 

The hardest part of anything is starting, and once you’ve taken the first step, we reckon you’ll become obsessed with trying new things.

How to let go while manifesting

Final Thoughts On Letting Go When Manifestations

While it seems like letting go should be the easiest thing in the world, the truth is that most of us cling to our manifestations tighter than a monkey with a banana.

But, it’s only by loosening up, putting your intentions out into the world, and then leaving them be that you’ll become ready to receive everything the universe has in store for you.

Now you know how to let go while manifesting, check out these blog posts about the law of attraction to help you level up your manifestation practice even further: