Is your manifestation practice becoming dull and repetitive, with no real results to show? Shake it up by trying the 17 second manifestation technique.

Can you really transform your life in just 17 seconds? In this post, we’ll explain the concept and teach you exactly how to use this procedure to bring about abundance in your life. We’ve even got some tips and tricks for making this your most powerful manifestation method.

17 Second Manifestation Technique

What Is The 17 Second Manifestation Technique?

The 17 second manifestation technique was created by Abraham Hicks which is a “group consciousness from the non-physical dimension,” founded by Esther Hicks— a Goddess in the world of manifestation and the law of attraction.

The theory behind this method is that it takes just 17 seconds of intense focus to activate your desires by raising their vibrational frequency to a point where they can enter the physical realm.

The law of attraction states that everything in the universe has an energy connected to it and that matching your energy to that which you’re trying to manifest will bring about the things or situations you’re seeking, to life quickly.

17 seconds isn’t the magic number though. Abraham Hicks states that 68 seconds of uninterrupted concentration on a thought creates enough energy to turn itself from nothing but a mere pipe dream into a physical occurrence in the world. 

However, many people find it difficult to stay fixated for the entire 68 seconds without other thoughts creeping in. This is why it’s been broken down into intervals of 17 seconds, which is a more manageable number for everyone, whereby you hold your thought for 17 seconds, four times in total to give that desire enough momentum to manifest itself.

There are many different manifestation practices, including speaking affirmations, using essential oils, listening to affirmation recordings, or scripting.

However, the 17-second technique is one of the easiest methods around. It can be done anywhere, any time, and barely takes up any of your days at all.

This means you can stop obsessing over your desires, potentially creating a blockage, and instead let it go, knowing that they’re on their way to you.

Does The 17 Second Manifestation Technique Work?

Manifestation techniques are personal to the individual. What we mean is that we might get phenomenal results from scripting our desires.

Your friend might swear by repeating five affirmations to themselves throughout the day. And your holy grail method might be the 17 second technique.

Like any other manifestation practice, your success is determined by your belief. 

If you don’t believe it will work, then you’re right.

If you do believe it will work, then you’re also right.

It may sound a bit woo woo, but never underestimate the power of your thoughts in creating your reality. 

If you’re doubting how much they contribute to your overall success or lack of it, just take a look at the people around you. What is the mindset of those who are absolutely killing it, achieving goals left, right, and center? We’ll take a gamble that they’re positive, strong-willed, and lovers of life.

On the flip side, look at those who aren’t doing so well. Do they act as though life is happening TO them instead of FOR them? Can you feel the negative energy surrounding them?

These people are often pessimistic and feel as though they should give up on success because it will never happen to them. And with that attitude, they’re right! 

So, approach any method of manifestation with an open heart, positive energy, and a willingness to take inspired action. After all, your desires are unlikely to just fall into your lap with zero effort on your part.

How To Use The 17 Second Manifestation Technique

Let’s get down to it and show you how to manifest in 17 seconds. It’s an easy four-step process that even beginners can grasp quickly.

Create A Positive Space

While it may not seem like 17 seconds of uninterrupted thought would be difficult, as humans we love to overcomplicate things for ourselves, which means there are often several thoughts circulating in our brains at once. 

In order to minimize the chances of being disturbed, set yourself up in a positive and calming environment. Only you know how to create an oasis of tranquility for yourself, but it’s advisable to choose somewhere that is quiet, has dim lighting, and doesn’t have lots of visual noise and clutter around. You may choose to burn incense or essential oils while practicing this technique too. 

It’s important for you to feel as positive and relaxed as possible, as it’s only through high energy that the law of attraction can thrive. A negative vibe will not only NOT bring your desire to you, but it also may bring unwanted situations into your life.

Select Your Thought

We all usually have multiple aspirations, so you might have 100 desires that you are trying to manifest in your life at any given time.

However, the 17 second manifestation technique requires complete dedication and focus, so choose your most intense and powerful goal to start with.

Make sure your desire is strong and that it’s as detailed as possible. The universe loves it when you can clarify exactly what you want. For example, if you’re manifesting $100k, make sure you’re clear on why you want it and what you would do with it.

You don’t need to be clear on how it will come to you, and it’s better if you’re not. Through the law of attraction, the universe may bring what you want to you in a variety of ways (not always how you expect) and you should remain open to everything or risk obstructing your own dreams.

Set A Timer

Set yourself a timer for… you guessed it, 17 seconds. Once you press start, your thought needs to be pure, without interruptions of “what shall I have for dinner?” Or “how many seconds have passed now?” Use your senses to focus on the feelings of manifesting your goal.

For example, if you’re manifesting $100k, think about the emotions you will experience once you receive it, how it will feel to physically hold a wad of notes in your hand, what the money smells like, and what you would buy.

Think about checking your bank balance and seeing large sums in your account. Which emotions would that stimulate…elation, excitement, joy, relief? 

And, what do you know, your 17 seconds are up before you realize it.

If you struggle to hold that thought for the full amount of time, don’t beat yourself up about it. You’re not failing at the 17 second manifestation technique, you’re simply human and prone to pesky mundane thoughts entering your brain every couple of seconds.

Simply reset your timer and try again. Your brain is a muscle, and just like your bicep, can be trained. While you may not manage to successfully focus on your thought for the full 17 seconds the first, second, or even hundredth time you try, you will get there. 

Start Again 

Managed to empty your mind of everything except your desire for 17 seconds? Well done! Now it’s time to start over and complete this method another three times.

This will take you to the golden number of 68, in order to activate your goal and begin the process of attracting it to you. For the best results, repeat the process one time after another. This will yield you the most success on your manifestation journey.

17 Second Manifestation Technique

Final Thoughts On The 17 Second Manifestation Technique

What do you think of the 17 second manifestation technique? This method is perfect for those who have a clear vision of what they’re striving to achieve, or for those who aren’t finding success with other approaches.

It’s also great for beginners who are trying to fine-tune their abilities to manifest successfully.

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